Alizés 45 - Call for Papers (2025)


Special issue edited by Pascale Manoïlov and Guilène Révauger

Deadline for abstracts (400 words) and short biographical notes (150 words): July 15, 2024
Notification of acceptance: September 16, 2024
Submission of full draft papers: January 31, 2025
Submission of final papers: June 15, 2025
Languages: English, French
MLA format

Created in 1990, the peer-reviewed academic journal Alizés dedicated to English Studies (civilization, literature, linguistics, and didactics), is now published online annually by the Presses Universitaires Indianocéaniques (PUI), Université de La Réunion. In collaboration with ARDAA, issue 45, scheduled for publication in 2025, will be devoted to:

Learning and Teaching English in Multilingual Educational Environments

We invite scholars in the fields of second-language acquisition (SLA), applied linguistics and sociolinguistics to contribute to an upcoming special issue of Alizés focused on English and multilingualism. This edition seeks to illuminate the dynamic intersections of language teaching, learning, and multilingualism, emphasising both the sociopolitical landscapes and the educational contexts that shape and are shaped by the phenomena of learning and teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL), a second language (SL or L2), or as an additional language (EAL).

This volume aims to explore these dimensions through two distinct but interconnected perspectives: the impact of multilingualism within sociolinguistic and geopolitical realms on EFL education, and the aspects of learning and teaching English in multilingual settings.

Subtheme 1: The impact of multilingualism on EFL education

This subtheme explores the pervasive influence of English within diverse linguistic landscapes and the implications of such dominance on cultural identity, language learning policy, and educational choices.

This subject is highly linked to cultural identities and questions the hegemony of English being used as a lingua franca and often taught and learnt as a foreign or second language. The world experienced a precedent with the political success of Latin during the conquest of the Roman Empire. But this gave rise to five major European languages (French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish) that spread throughout the world. English, on the other hand, is a composite language, drawing on Celtic, Latin, French, Germanic and other languages. This issue appears even more politically sensitive when studied from the point of view of speakers whose language used to be dominant. This is the case of the French language which, in a post-colonial world, seems to be weakened, as evidenced, for example, from the now predominant choice of English over French as a foreign language in North African countries.

This topic will explore the preeminence of English in a globalised world where the use of English has overwhelmingly become a common practice or even a necessity for many.

Contributions could first deal with diglossia and explore the positioning of EFL in relation with other languages or dialects. To what extent is there a form of hierarchy between English and other languages:

  • in bilingual and multilingual countries, especially in post-colonial contexts (e.g. India, Jamaica, Mauritius, Seychelles, etc.), where English, being an ex-colonial L2, was chosen as the medium of instruction?

  • in so-called English-speaking countries where other languages challenge English as the most common language?

  • in territories or organisations where English is used as a lingua franca (in international corporations, in the European Union) (Mortensen)?

How are the places of English and other languages culturally or politically negotiated in the field of education?

Building on the examination of diglossia and sociolinguistic hierarchy, this volume further delves into how multilingual landscapes adopt strategies to foster communication and learning. Such practices not only reflect but also shape the sociolinguistic environments of regions where multiple languages and sociolects coexist and interact dynamically. Translanguaging could be particularly relevant in educational settings (Favre et al.), where it could serve as a bridge between different linguistic repertoires, enabling students and teachers to make use of all their linguistic resources. This approach challenges traditional views on language separation and seeks to validate the fluid language practices that occur naturally in multilingual communities. These strategies, which include code-switching as a teaching strategy (Causa) and the emerging norms of translingualism, play pivotal roles in defining what is culturally and academically acceptable in regions marked by their colonial and migration histories, such as the diverse linguistic contexts of Jamaica, Mauritius, and the trilingual setting of the Seychelles.

The intricate relationship between language policies and issues of social justice and language rights also emerges as a critical area of inquiry. The volume seeks to examine the impact of legislative frameworks governing language use on educational access and equity in multilingual societies. This includes a focus on how migration shapes public linguistic policies in multilingual countries, influencing both the linguistic landscape and the educational strategies employed within these nations. Such discussions are crucial in understanding how language policies can either empower or marginalise communities, particularly in regions where English is not just a foreign or second language but also a tool of socio-economic integration or success. And of course, this also includes the intriguing French paradox. Despite English being the most commonly taught foreign language across primary, secondary, and higher education levels, proficiency levels among French students remain notably low, as indicated by national and international assessments (MEN-DEPP, Manoïlov). This situation reflects a tension between the perceived global necessity of English proficiency and the national educational priorities that may not fully align with the practical demands of multilingual proficiency.

Lastly, the negotiation of cultural identity through language in multilingual contexts highlights the profound implications of linguistic choices and the subjective, evolutionary aspects of the language-learning experience (Kramsch). This exploration addresses how identities are constructed and expressed through language use, especially in settings where English dominates. The choice of language in educational and public spheres can affirm or undermine cultural identities, leading to a re-evaluation of language practices in terms of cultural preservation and identity. This facet of the discussion reflects on how the dominance of English affects cultural representation and individual identities.

Subtheme 2: Learning & teaching English in multilingual contexts

Articles submitted in the second subtheme will explore language acquisition and the learning of English in various ecosystems, be they formal, informal or non-formal multilingual environments permeating through both the private and the public spheres. Authors may examine bilingual and multilingual upbringing and learning, from early childhood to life-long education. School-based or university activities will be explored together with a wide diversity of extramural (Sundqvist and Sylvén), self-study or informal activities (Toffoli et al.), including digital gaming, social networking, conversing with a generative artificial intelligence bot, and a variety of user practices which may illustrate sociolinguistic variation.

Authors may scrutinise the educational implications of considering the English language either as a lingua franca, a school subject, the language of instruction (Dafouz & Gray), a support or developmental language (Bailly et al.), etc.

Numerous studies, notably in African post-colonial countries, have delved into the “language question” and shed light on the negative impact of selecting an L2 as the medium of instruction, and on the benefits of teaching in many languages. Seychelles currently uses Kreol Seselwa as the medium of instruction in early primary education and subsequently imposes English as the language of education, although 98% of the student population uses Seselwa as their L1 (Zelime). In Mauritius, Sauzier Uchida has shown that best results were obtained when English, French and Creole were concurrently used as media of instruction. If teaching English doesn’t necessarily jeopardise language preservation, practitioners often grapple with the pedagogical implications of policies, ideologies and practices. Researchers and practitioners may thus investigate these pedagogical implications and wonder to what extent one may nurture cross-linguistic contacts to enhance language teaching.

Another question which could be tackled is the sociolinguistic variety of English which is being used around the world when it is practised in a multilingual environment. The first issue that comes to mind is the education sector where EFL teachers speak their own variety of English because they have learnt it in different countries or regions. But are they aware of the sociolect they speak, their accent, their sociolinguistic specificities? Students learn English from different teachers year after year and are also confronted with different varieties through the media (series, films, videos on social media). We need to understand the impact of these different varieties on the type of language they learn.

In some countries or in some contexts, it is accepted to speak global English i.e. a form of international language which differs from a standard norm in terms of accent or idiomaticity. Thus, what purists would call “Globish” can be compared to vernacular English and is largely used and is considered as sufficient as long as intelligibility is respected. Research on what can be considered as acceptable forms of international English, according to specific domains, as well as limitations are expected.

Contributors could also explore the research areas of content and language integrated learning (CLIL), English as a medium of instruction (EMI) and dual language education (DLE). While CLIL programs associate the dual objectives of teaching a subject content and a foreign language, EMI programs mainly aim at teaching a subject while developing language skills which do not extend beyond those required to deal with the content. Borders between EMI and CLIL may however be blurred, notably in the context of international training projects, English-taught degrees and programs pursuing excellence and attractiveness. On the other hand, students are taught literacy and content in two languages in DLE programs. DLE programs may include developmental programs, two-way-bilingual immersion programs, foreign language programs, heritage language programs, etc. Are such schemes beneficial to all parties? What language proficiency level is required to succeed? In the context of a replication crisis which renders many contextualised scientific studies difficult to reproduce, we welcome original critical studies and evaluations of CLIL, EMI and DLE. Whether they convey randomised controlled experiments or studies in natural education settings, researchers are advised to contemplate affordances, to consider confounding factors, and make allowance for the assumptions of the cognitive load theory.

Research on multilingualism is today highly indebted to initial studies on bilingualism. The seminal study on the general intellectual advantages of bilinguals conveyed in 1962 by Peal & Lambert was followed by studies which supported “additive multilingualism”, overturning the initial fears of “subtractive multilingualism” and “semilingualism”. Bilingualism is today a well-trodden path and studies may discuss not only a bilingual advantage hypothesis (Antoniou), but also the potential links between a multilingual advantage hypothesis and proficiency in English.

Looking at phonology, syntax and grammar, vocabulary, typographical symbols or punctuation marks, research has shown that interactions between languages occurred at different levels. Researchers initially explored negative transfers, divergence and interference, focusing first on the negative impacts of the L1 on the L2, before they acknowledged “bidirectional transfer” (Pavlenko and Jarvis). The more neutral and encompassing notions of “cross-linguistic interactions” or “cross-linguistic influence” (Siemund) are now preferred to the notion of transfer, and researchers embrace theoretical models of L2 and subsequent languages acquisition. Current cross-linguistic influence models in L3 acquisition include the L1 transfer model, the L2 status factor model, the typological primacy model, the linguistic proximity model, the scalpel model and the cumulative enhancement model.

Articles may rely on correlational or observational case studies and consider the association of multilingualism with conscious metalinguistic awareness, unconscious epilinguistic awareness (Gombert) or also metapragmatic awareness (Safont Jordà). Original research studies and replication studies offering controlled experiments to prove causation are also most needed. Different domains and frameworks may therefore be called on to consider the pedagogical implications of research findings on learning and teaching English within a multilingual environment.

We invite authors to submit a 400-word abstract along with a short biographical note (150 words) – by July 15, 2024.

Book reviews of recent or understudied works that engage with the aforementioned proposals are also welcome.

The proposals will follow the submission guidelines and will be emailed to the editors:


All selected proposals will have to be submitted by January 31, 2025, and will be subject to double-blind peer review.


Causa, Mariella. L’Alternance codique dans l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère. Peter Lang, 2002.

Favre, Mariana Fonseca, et al. “Pratiques translangagières et (dé)cloisonnement curriculaire : deux études de cas en contraste”. Lidil, vol. 67, 2023.

Antoniou, Mark. “The Advantages of Bilingualism Debate”. Annual Review of Linguistics, vol. 5, 2019, p. 395–415.

Bailly, Sophie, et al. “L’anglais langue d’appui pour l’apprentissage du Français Langue Étrangère”. L’anglais et le plurilinguisme : Pour une didactique des contacts et des passerelles linguistiques, edited by Gilles Forlot, L’Harmattan, 2009, p. 35–57.

Dafouz, Emma, and John Gray. “Rethinking the Roles of ELT in English-Medium Education in Multilingual University Settings: An Introduction”. ELT Journal, vol. 76, no. 2, 2022, p. 163–71.

Gombert, Jean Émile. Metalinguistic Development. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.

Kramsch, Claire. The Multilingual Subject. Oxford University Press, 2009.

Manoïlov, Pascale. Les Acquis des élèves en langues vivantes étrangères. Cnesco, 2019.

MEN-DEPP, note d’information, n°17.20, septembre 2017.

Mortensen, Janus and Kamilla Kraft. Norms and the Study of Language in Social Life. De Gruyter Mouton, 2022.

Pavlenko, Aneta and Scott Jarvis. “Bidirectional Transfer”. Applied Linguistics, vol. 23, no. 2, 2002, p. 190–214.

Peal, Elizabeth, and Wallace Lambert. “The Relation of Bilingualism to Intelligence”. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, vol. 76, no. 27, 1962, p. 1-23.

Safont Jordá, Maria Pilar. “Metapragmatic Awareness and Pragmatic Production of Third Language Learners of English: A Focus on Request Acts Realizations”. International Journal of Bilingualism, vol. 7, n°1, 2003, p. 43-69.

Sauzier-Uchida, Emi. “Language Choice in Multilingual Mauritius: National Unity and Socioeconomic Advancement”. Journal of Liberal Arts, vol. 126, 2009, p. 99-130.

Siemund, Peter. Multilingual Development. English in a Global Context. Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Sundqvist, Pia, and Liss Kerstin Sylvén. Extramural English in Teaching and Learning: From Theory and Research to Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

Toffoli, Denyze, et al. Language Learning and Leisure - Informal Language Learning in the Digital Age. De Gruyter Mouton, 2023.

Zelime, Justin. Contrasting Language-in-Education Policy Intentions, Perceptions and Practice: The Use of English and Kreol Seselwa in the Seychelles. 2022. Umea Universitet, PhD dissertation.