Publication Ethics Statement

Please find below a presentation of the standards of ethical behaviour we expect from all parties involved in the publication process of the articles of our scholarly journal. This statement is inspired by COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (see Committee on Publication Ethics). The journals published by The Presses Universitaires Indianocéanique (PUI) are committed to high standards of scholarly expertise and professional publishing judgment.

Evaluation procedure

Manuscripts (.doc or .docx) are submitted by email to If the manuscript meets the journal’s formal requirements, it will be sent to two reviewers for appraisal. Articles will be evaluated anonymously. The journal editors will provide authors with the assessments they have received. These will enable them to improve their manuscript.

The peer review process only applies to research articles. Other types of scientific content, such as book and media reviews, will not be subject to the peer review process.

Duties of journal editors and associate editors

The editors and associate editors of the journal are required to manage their journal in accordance with the highest standards of publication ethics.

They select the articles that will be accepted for publication and whose content is in keeping with Alizés: Revue angliciste de La Réunion. They decide on the publication of articles based on the journal’s editorial policy and on legal obligations relating to copyright, plagiarism and defamation. They may be assisted by the members of the ad hoc reviewing board and the permanent members of the scientific advisory board, and may share their decisions with the members of these committees.

Duties of Authors

Authors are expected to provide original works with detailed references to other sources used. Such sources will be appropriately cited and quoted, and also listed in the Works Cited section. Authors must guarantee that their submitted work contains no content that might be deemed libelous or as a breach of the copyright of another party. The images used are also subject to the French Intellectual Property Code.

The articles submitted are original manuscripts and cannot be submitted for multiple publications. Submitting the same text to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior.

The authors listed should have made a significant contribution to the writing of the article. Those who participated in the research project but didn’t partake in the writing per se should be acknowledged or listed as contributors only.

Sources of funding are expected to be acknowledged at the end of the article.

Any significant error or inaccuracy discovered in the author's published work must be notified to the journal editors to allow correction.

Duties of Reviewers

The role of the reviewers is twofold: to assist the journal’s editorial board in making decisions about publication, and to help the author and the editorial board improve the manuscript.

The reviewer should act as an impartial party with respect to the author(s) of the manuscript. They will inform the journal editors in case they suspect a conflict of interest such as a close professional relationship or a prior co-authorship.

All articles submitted for review will be treated as confidential documents. They won’t be shared or discussed with others. All information obtained through peer review will be kept confidential.

The reviews are conducted in an objective way. An evaluation form is provided to evaluators by the journal. Any form of personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. Reviewers will express their views and opinions clearly and will provide supporting arguments whenever necessary. They will also identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. In case reviewers identify similarities between the article under review and any other published paper, they will inform the journal editors.